Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thoughts from the Oscars, cause I'm original

Apparently the way to save the Oscars is to turn it into a low-budget version of the Tonys. And the funny thing is it works.

I think the industry that's going to pull us out of the recession is the making fun of the recession industry.

Steve! Open it! Way to go Steve. You ruined the Oscars.

A tribute to past Best Supporting Actress winners? Um, what?

I think the Best Supporting Actresses are a secret society. Or maybe a cult.

Okay, this new method of introducing the nominees is weirding me out. On the one hand it's sort of sweet to give everyone genuine complements but it reminds me of the last couple episodes of an American Idol season. What was wrong with showing clips from the films

Penelope Cruz is looking like a Young Angela Patrelli.

Wow, someone put some serious thought into this. The Best Screenplay presentation was both clever and appropriate.

I like that the first person to throw out some politics was a writer.

Pixar burn!

Senseless barrage of animation! We're back to form.

If you didn't know WALL-E was going to win you may be clinically retarded.

They're really going over the top for the set on the Art Decoration award. See my previous comments re: the Tonys only minus the low budget thing.

I think its funny that Dark Knight was nominated for the Makeup award and it featured a guy wearing actual makeup.

Ah technical awards. Nothing like forcing people used to being behind the camera to give speeches in front of a room full of actors.

Slumdog Millionaire draws first blood against Benjamin Button.

The entire Oscars should be done by two stoners on a couch.

DP stands for Director of Photography. You have a dirty mind.

Random musical number. The hell?

Robert Downey Jr. as Shaft. I would watch that.

Letting Heath's family accept his award was a classy move. I just wish they could have had a less Joker picture of him to have in the background.

This may be a little tactless to say right now, but the Ledger family has one hell of a gene pool.

Philippe Petit just balanced an Oscar on his chin. Hell yes.

2008 was a big year for car stunts.

I like how the technical awards are presented in the order they happen in the production of the film. Were they always done that way?

Boom goes the dynamite.

I like that Slumdog actually got an Indian guy on stage. That guy made a sound mixing award seem like it was a much bigger award. Good for him.

Do they make sure the people who vote for the technical awards actually know something about sound editing and visual effects? Or is it like a selectman election where you just check a box at random?

I didn't realize that "Down to Earth" was an African spiritual.

Song duel! East versus west! That's how they should settle it.

Hey, what's this new show that Nathan Filion's doing? Why haven't I heard about it before?

Goddamnit, stop the pretentious camera work on the people we've lost montage. I can only read half their names.

So did they leave Heath Ledger out of the montage because he won the best supporting Oscar?

It must be interesting to be the guy whose job it is to film shots of the director working to use for the best director montage.

Danny Boyle thanked Tigger. Not enough Winnie the Pooh characters get thanked in award shows.

So the Jai Ho dance was choreographed by the man who pierced the side of Christ with the Spear of Destiny? That man has range.

Way to sneak in self congratulating into someone else's Oscar nomination, Halle Berry.

Sophia Loren scares me.

Kate Winslet's dad has an impressive whistle.

I just saw Edward Cullen sitting behind Mickey Roarke and it creeped me the fuck out.

The Academy gets over its homophobia. Brokeback Mountain is avenged.

Slumdog for the win. It is written.

Every film that wins Best Picture should have the whole cast rush the stage.

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