Saturday, February 21, 2009

Goddamn it, I have a blog

The fact that I am giving in a creating a blog strikes me a some gross personal failure. Blogs have always seemed to me equivalent to annoying yappy dogs: they achieve little and are all their owners can talk about. (I suppose the comparison can also be made that if you don't feed them for a couple days they die)

As a result I have steadfastly avoided one of my own. (That is excepting a brief period in 04 when I had a live journal dedicated to nothing but sensational lies about myself. However that floundered when I lost interest.) Then why, you (and indeed I) may ask, are you now creating one of these tiresome creatures? I guess I'm just that bored lately and slightly wasting the time of some dozen or so people I would otherwise have to speak to on Instant Messenger gives me something with which to occupy my time. Bully.

So then, what to speak, ugh blog, about on this little slice of nowhere? I have named the page "Wonderful Starfish" in hopes that I may connect it in someway with my video projects, authored under the same name. Theater of course, both things I participate in and things I see. Movies, should I ever go to another one or actually watch my goddamn Netflix. Television, as I watch far too much of it these days (though very little of it on tv). Literature perhaps, for given values of "literature." Politics, should something iratate me enough to warrant a return to political editorials. Gaming perhaps, as it's one of the few things I do any more outside the theater. Food maybe, as I find myself cooking more and more these days.

Okay, wooo! Blog. Goddamn it.

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