Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Maybe they should call the show Antiheroes

Oh Heroes, you just don't know what you're doing anymore do you?

I see that you've decided to switch the format from five plots that go nowhere per episode to one plot that goes nowhere per episodes. I suppose that's an improvement, maybe.

You're still pretty hung up on this whole "paint the future" thing. So much so that you've given that power to SIX CHARACTERS across three seasons. The artist who draws all the pictures must have one hell of a contract.

I think it's telling that the protagonists are such colossal fuckups that they need to check the future once a year to see how their current actions are going to destroy the world. I mean, really, each season has featured at least one catastrophic power-related disaster that our heroes need to STOP THEMSELVES FROM CAUSING. It's gotten to the point where you've even run out of apocalypses, such that they're using season one's over again. A picture of Washington blowing up right where the picture of New York blowing up used to be. Was that supposed to come off as extremely lazy? Did you even bother to draw a new picture or did you just photoshop the old one?

While we're there, why is it that the government bugs Bennet's storage locker, a place only he knew existed up until a month ago yet doesn't bother to watch Isaac Mendes' loft, a place that practically every character in the series has visited and a site used as a lab by both Pinehearst and the Company? Maybe the government figures that two such utter failures as Matt and Peter are just going to screw up and get caught anyway that it's not worth chasing them. Those two are so incompetant that they'll probably kill themselves trying to fix a toaster.

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