Monday, March 9, 2009

Heroes Live Blogging

Oh look, it's Heroes

9:02- Didn't Sylar kill this guy? If we're randomly bringing back minor characters why not DL or Elle? You know, people we like.

9:03- "I don't want to control people anymore. Hmm, apparently the villain becoming a hero plot line didn't leave when Sylar gave it up, it just moved to a smaller character.

9:05- Senators can walk through police lines. I guess the police don't want to fuck with a guy who could cut their funding.

9:09- Red Wire, seriously?

9:11- The constant harping on parenthood in this series leads me to believe that the writing staff has some serious daddy issues.

9:13- I think it would be neat if Wireless (Hana from the comics) was Rebel. But I doubt they remember she exists.

9:15- Nathan's lieutenant is actually pretty badass. I suppose that comes with the territory when you're created solely to allow Nathan to escape responsibility for his actions by being evil. Which in this case means caring more about the safety of thousands of strangers than your whiney brother and a dozen people you've met once or twice.

9:23- Claire getting a job a comic book store. Yeah.

9:25- What does that exchange in the store remind me of, oh right.

9:26- "You have an ability?" No shit Sherlock. How did he think his dad killed his mom, harsh language?

9:28- Does Sylar's dad have the power to make Sylar interesting again?

9:34- Do any of these people ever leave the comic book store? They live in California, there are plenty of blondes to oogle elsewhere.

9:36- No wonder Bennet is the most successful Company agent. He's the only one who shoots the dangerous super-powered maniacs before talking to them.

9:40- Could regeneration fix cancer? Or would the rapid cell growth exacerbate it?

9:41- Sylar Sr. uses telekenetic arrows. That is just classy.

9:46- I'm kinda hoping Sylar Sr. kills Sylar and becomes the new main villain.

9:49- The way power battle seem to work in this show is that only power can work at a time. Otherwise it might get interesting.

9:51- Yeah, Danko pushed a US Senator out a window. On camera. Only he saw Nathan fly. Yet somehow this is going to prove him right.

9:58- Ummmmm... Are they just going to blatantly rip off The Incredibles now? And didn't they establish Matt's kid wasn't his?

9:59- Sylar gave him a bunny! That's... nice.

Yeah, that was... yeah. I think it says a lot about me as a person that I keep watching this show even though it's gotten painful to watch. I suppose it's a kind of penance for all my various sins. I could blog about a show I actually like, but live blogging Chuck or Sarah Conor Chronicles would just be an hour of "This is brilliant" over and over again. And no one wants to read that.

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