Monday, March 2, 2009

Driving Ms. Helen

I just re-found an old article I wrote a few years ago while interning at the Media Giraffe Project convention during summer 06. Helen Thomas was the guest of honor and after she gave her address or what have you she needed a ride to Newton where she had an interview with a Boston TV station. It turned out that only one of the interns was of sufficient age to drive a rental car. Guess who. (I suppose they didn't trust a national media icon to my 93 Geo Prism)

So here's the article about the experience: Driving Ms. Helen

It's weird to look back on the story now. Like just about anything I have ever wrote I;m rather displeased with it. I talk too much about myself for one thing. I think that may be because I put off writing the article for a few weeks and thus didn't retain more useful details about things she actually said. In fact I remember thinking to myself "Remember this, damnit! Remember this!" all the while knowing I wouldn't retain half of it. Perhaps that's why I stick to writing fiction. The other weird thing about this article is that, more so than other things I've written, it really takes me back to that summer. Perhaps because more of the stuff I was doing then appear in the article. I didn't end up following up on interning with NECN, instead I went to Europe for the rest of the summer. Interning probably would have been a better idea in the long run, though I can't really say I regret the choice.

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