Sunday, March 1, 2009

Goals for 09

I'm currently housesitting, and on the refrigerator door the two kids of the household have posted lists of their goals for 2009. Oliver's seem to be a list of things he wants to make out of Legos, but Charlotte's are neatly divided into goals of Mind, Body, Heart and World (as indicated by a small crayon drawing to the left of the three items in each category).

Rather than get shown up by a ten-year-old again, I think I'll post my goals for 2009.

1. Read more non-fiction
2. Write more frequently
3. Blog more or less, I'm not sure which

1. Exercise at least once
2. Eat at least two meals a day
3. Fume less (stress reduction)

1. Forgive somebody for something- probably not going to happen but worth a shot
2. Make fewer jokes about killing prostitutes
3. Plot fewer murders

1. Say bad ideas aloud less frequently, people enact too many of them
2. Go somewhere, do something
3. Make the perfect Youtube video, the one that unites all of humanity

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